Title : A team from Shahid Zein-o-Din Research Center at GUASNR won first place in the national Agrofum Startup Weekend.
Jahannama, a team from Shahid Zein-o-Din Research Center at Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources won first place in the national Agrofum Startup Weekend, which took place alongside the 18th Agriculture and Plant Breeding Congress. The team came in first place out of eight finalists with their innovative concept titled" Speed Breeding: A ray of hope for food Security."
The team members are Amin Rah Neshan, Ramezanali Pourali, Mojtaba Al Khan, Mehdi Shariati,Mohsen masoudi and Fateme Kalaki, under the mentorship of Dr. Khalil ZaynaliNezhad, assistant Professor in the Plant Breeding and Biotechnology department of GUASNR and the Head of Jahannama Gene Bank.